Thursday 10 November 2011


1. Akan, on the mountain, smokes a cigar made of native tobacco -- he sees through the darkness and into the future. From the valley below Chahk spies on Akan.

2. A young, beautiful servant girl, asks Itzamnaaj, the Son of the Creator, a question, as a Humming-Bird sings above them, and a drum beats in the background. They look into each other as though through a mirror. But Itzamnaaj will not answer.

3. The bony living skeleton of The God of Death seats on his cushioned throne, receiving gifts from the peasants, as he sneezes out pearls whilst snakes & lizards crawl out of his back.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Mayan Inspired Art

After a recent inspiring trip to the Mayan room at the British Museum, I have been studying Mayan art and logographs.

A logograph is a "word sign" - something which represents an entire word... and are incorporated into Mayan art both as symbols surrounding the main art of a piece, telling the story behind the picture, and also as part of the art work itself.

For example, if one wanted to show a particular character as a lord, then one would incorporate the logograph for a lord within the character's depiction - (usually in this example it would be done by having the character wear the lord's head-piece).

If one wanted to show a character being reborn as king, one would depict the king in the pose of the baby logograph... which shows that Mayan art and writing is also very metaphorical at times.

Here are my initial "original creations" of Mayan art.

Please click on the image to see it full-size.


The Jade Jester God, conquers Water and Fire with Knowledge, devours the Sun and Moon, ascends the Pyramid Altar with Drummers and Trumpeters, and evolves to dominate all Earth and the Heavens.

The Hero is Born on High with Water, feed by Mother, but soon devoured by Darkness. He overcomes the Demons of Night with Speed, Beauty and Intelligence. His Blood boils with Victory and Ascends to the Sun with the Birds of Wisdom.

The Goddess of Weather pours rain from her Clouds, disrupting the men playing at the ball-court so that they will notice the Beautiful Young Lady who is toiling in the fields.

The Trumpeters herald the High-Priest on the Pyramid Altar with riotous music. The High-Priest reveals the Truth. The People are scared.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Cornwall's Forgotten Collages

I have been living in the village of Kingsand and Cawsand for the past couple of months or so... which is at the far end of Plymouth Sound, in the Rame Peninsula... due to it's rather hidden away location, it has come to be called Cornwall's Forgotten Corner by the locals... 

Hence I have called the following series of montages: Cornwall's Forgotten Collages.

As ever, click on the image to see if full-screen.

Number One:


Number Two:


Number Three:


Number Four:


Saturday 26 February 2011

Der BrenDadaShoppenArt


Image One:
"Purest Surf Desk, Chips & Bachelors are Sold at the Dadashop."


Image Two:
"Tonight Kills Choice and the 21st Century Art Critic."


Image Three:
"Inferiority is an Inevitable Consequence of Arrogance."


Image Four:
"The User's Vengeful Indifference in Smoking Heels on JSA: The Epitome of Beauty Being Only Skin-Deep."


Image Five:
"Great Lazarus A. Lee stares at Tracey Allen pretending to be Brendan Pickett."


Image Six:
"Why Have I Been Brought Here??"


Image Seven:
"Fucking Comic Books with Whiskey Heels is my Rendevous with Destiny."


Image Eight:
"Tonight's Barcode Kills England Choice."


Image Nine:
"Union Hack."


What is Der BrenDadaShoppenArt?

The catalyst was the re-reading of Dada Manifesto by Tristan Tzara and also the Essential Writings of Marcel Duchamp...

Then Scanning Ahoy-hoy in abundance... pasteying a right virtual glue through layers of digital meanings and then printed on a to a piece of paper and then whoops! the process of glueing starts all again... and another layer to the Dadashop was added in reality's 5th Dimension... the Dimension of the Imagination.

Trace contours and finding edges, the compositions of these BrenDadaShoppenArt Imagens has been carefully considered, reconsidered, sidered, siphoned and stared at, pretending to be Brendan Pickett.

Tonight is no laughing matter, and what shall be done with it is what will kill it. It's all Pure and Modelled by the French anyway... It's all Pure and Modelled on the arrogance of THE USER. We are all Users of Art... We are all montaged pieces of memory and self-delusion, inferiority complexes and boastful vitriolic arrogances... We are all THE USER of Art - this Art, or any other - it doesn't matter... because We are all Users of Art.

Welcome to Der BrenDadaShoppen Art.


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